Through the city of Hardenberg runs the river Vecht. A beautiful river with a lot of surrounding nature that functions as a water buffer but has also a lot of ecological qualities. To make the river and its nature more visible, visitor centre ‘De Koppel’, which is situated at the border of the river, wanted to turn their garden into an adventure garden.
Studio Carmela Bogman made a new design that consist of a frame work with a rugged character, that serves as a foundation for future activities. The framework is divided in three different areas and enables the visitor to discover the nature of the river step by step. Each area shows another part of the rivers ecological structure.
There is a lot to discover in and around the adventure garden. You can built a campfire in the pond, search for tadpoles, mess about in the water and look for small animals together with the forester. But the garden is not only just for fun, also the importance of the ecological system and the water buffer function is shown. When the water in the river is high a part of the garden is flooded. With the flooding a lot of extraordinary flora and fauna appears, which is typical for the river Vecht.
More Adventure Gardens? Have a look at Bamboo Adventure and Hill Paradise.
Gemeente Hardenberg, Velt en Vecht
Gemeente Hardenberg, Velt en Vecht
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